How to Reverse Money Sent to the Wrong Till Number on M-Pesa

An image of Mpesa logo
Accidentally sent money to the wrong till number on M-Pesa? Don’t panic, we’ve got you covered. Learn How to Reverse Money Sent to the Wrong Till Number on M-Pesa in a few simple steps/IMAGE CREDIT: Safaricom

You are probably here because you have sent money to the wrong till.

We’ve all been there – that heart-stopping moment when you realize you’ve sent money to the wrong Till Number on M-Pesa.

Don’t worry; you’re not alone in this.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to reverse that unintended transaction, helping you navigate the digital twists and turns of M-Pesa with ease.

What is Lipa na M-Pesa?

An image of Lipa na M-PESA
Lipa na M-PESA/IMAGE CREDIT: Safaricom

Lipa na M-PESA is a secure and convenient cashless payment service designed to enable customers to make payments for goods and services effortlessly.

The Lipa Na M-Pesa till number has simplified the process for Safaricom customers to purchase goods and deposit money into their bank accounts using their mobile phones.

Paying utility bills from the convenience of home is now straightforward with the right till number.

Additionally, this service empowers business owners to receive payments through their till and seamlessly carry out other transactions directly from their till balance.

What is an M-Pesa reversal service?

Even with the Hakikisha system in place to prevent mistakes, Safaricom customers occasionally find themselves sending money to the incorrect till numbers.

For instance, if you aim to send money to client A using their till number and accidentally input one wrong digit, the funds might end up going to client B. In such cases, initiating an M-Pesa reversal becomes crucial to retrieve the funds from client B and ensure the correct transfer to client A.

In such a situation, it becomes necessary to reverse the transaction before proceeding to send the money to client A. Utilizing M-Pesa reversal services is the key to retrieving the funds from client B and ensuring they are returned to your M-Pesa account.

How to reverse money sent to the wrong till number on M-Pesa

An image of Safaricom MPESA
M-PESA Reversal/IMAGE CREDIT: Safaricom

If you’ve mistakenly sent money to the wrong till number while making mobile payments via M-Pesa, don’t worry—it’s possible to reverse the transaction.

However, the process is a bit more involved compared to reversing a payment to the wrong mobile number.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the reversal process:

  1. Dial 234 or 100 to reach Safaricom M-Pesa customer care and request assistance for the reversal.
  2. Safaricom will put a hold on the money in the incorrect till number to prevent its use. They will then contact the owner of the till to verify if they received the funds and provided a service.
  3. Safaricom will also check with you to confirm whether you received the service from the merchant.
  4. If the merchant acknowledges providing a service, Safaricom will inquire with you again. If you state that you did not receive the service, Safaricom will contact the merchant once more to confirm if they accept the reversal.
  5. If the merchant agrees to the reversal, your money will be returned to your M-Pesa account within 72 hours.
  6. In the rare case that the merchant refuses the reversal, Safaricom will advise you to report the matter to the police.

This thorough process ensures that the reversal is conducted securely and with the consent of both parties involved.

Reversing a transaction sent to the wrong till number can be a tricky process, especially if the recipient is uncooperative.

What to do when M-Pesa reversal fails?

Sometimes  M-Pesa reversal may fail especially if the recipient is uncooperative.

In such situations, it’s advisable to visit the Safaricom Customer Care Centre. Upon arrival, head to the customer service desk, where you can provide your details, and you will be helped.


How to recover money sent to the wrong number via M-Pesa

Apart from sending money to the wrong till number, several Safaricom customers have also mistakenly sent money to the wrong mobile numbers.

Here are some steps you can follow to reverse the transaction:

  1. After completing the transaction, please send the whole message to 456.
  2. You will receive a response from “Reversal” that the request for a reversal has been started, and that an update will be shared within 2  hours.
  3. You are encouraged to check your messages for an update from the header “Reversal” on the status of the reversal.


While Safaricom provides a straightforward method to reverse money sent to the wrong till number, it’s wise to exercise caution.

There are instances where the reversal process might face challenges or take an extended period. To avoid the hassle of reversals, it’s advisable to double-check and ensure the correct till number is entered before sending any cash.

Alternatively, you can use Hakikisha a service that allows M-PESA customers to confirm the recipient’s name and/or number, before completing a transaction. This service is available for all customers, on all handsets.


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